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About Us

Here at Duckthreads, we stand for Diversity, Unity, Confidence, and Kindess.

We named our clothing company Duckthreads, in part, because when ducks fly together in a V formation, each duck provides additional lift and reduces air resistance for the duck flying behind it. By flying together, the whole flock can fly farther with the same amount of energy than if each duck flew alone.  

Just like ducks, humans can work together to achieve goals quicker and easier, and are lifted up by the energy and enthusiasm of one another. “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

We offer fashionable, functional clothing and accessories for girls and women at affordable prices. We believe in empowering girls and women to be confident, and to share that confidence by lifting others. 

Maria Sharapova said it best, “When you look good, you feel good and perform your best without worrying about anything.” We love helping you feel your best.